Shit. I have no idea what the hell you people want from me here. I mean, really. Twice a week, every week, I drop down the serious wit all over this website, and you people – what do you do? Nada. Barely a comment, never bouncing back the pith. Oh, sure, you’ll shit all over the Facebook (thanks, btw), but here? What the hell? I even changed the comments thingy to Facebook to get you little shits engaged. Still, you lazy bastards ignore it. Damn it … I miss Jake, that bastard.
Lesse – JM Bell, Forrest, JC Carter and Ultimate Bob are all in the room, and Jason has a whole new Bat Sh@t Crazy about how the GOPpers are saying we just need to give trickle down ANOTHER 30 years, especially Reagan’s old gang.
All this and more, folks!
Here’s your totally unappreciated links, you bastards:
Disney’s ‘Black Hole’ Remake Lands Writer
The Keystone XL Pipeline and its politics, explained
Kentuky also hates the Constitution