Your intrepid heroes from The LEFT Show – in fact, almost all of the Defenestrate Media family – are taking the week off while we clean out the studio of five months of beer cans, dust, campaign buttons and man sweat. Probably disinfect the carpet, microphone covers and chairs, too.

We’re almost about to launch a new website with a lot more functionality, an easier way to start conversations, better contest scoring options and – I hope – a much better look.

Today, however, I present to you the first installment of The Best of The LEFT Show.

This episode was from our first live remote celebrating the 70th anniversary of Archie Comics. It’s also our most downloaded show, and I thought that I’d present it to you folks in a brand new package.

Stay tuned this week for an all new Bat Sh@t Crazy and a fresh Hold322.

Thanks again for all your support and interaction.

The Best of The LEFT Show #1