These are some ideas that have been floating around in my head and I just wanted to get down. It’s a work in progress. I don’t even know what I’ll do with it.
Please give me your thoughts and suggestions. L ☂☽ V E
1. A Constitutional Amendment that:
(a) clearly defines a person as a living human being
(b) guarantees the right of every citizen to vote and that every vote be counted
(c) guarantees the right of workers to organize
(d) guarantees the right to have free access and transparency in all levels of government
{{why? because most of our problems have there roots in corporate personhood}}
2. A Constitutional Amendment for Peoples Rights that:
(a) guarantees the right to clean air, water, and food
(b) guarantees the right to a good education
(c) guarantees the right to single payer healthcare
{{why? because it’s inhumane not to}}
3. A complete overhaul of the Tax Code combining:
(a) oil, farm, and pharmaceutical subsidies
(b) closing loopholes that allow the exportation of profits
(c) closing loopholes that allow the financial industry to be taxed at a much lower rate
(d) defining that a small business is based on income, not the number of people.
{{why? because our financial problems aren’t just spending, it’s income as well}}
4. Bring the cost of Healthcare down by:
(a) pinning medicare/medicaid spending directly to the cost of living
(b) electronic records
(c) better regulation and oversight of all insurance and pharmaceutical companies
{{why? because we’re being raped. we pay way too much for what we get}}
5. Reduce Government Spending by:
(a) all spending must benefit people as defined by #1
(b) the application of #4
(c) putting an end to no-bid contracts in all levels of government
(d) eliminate private service side contractors in the military
{{why? because we don’t need to spend as much and we can get more for what we do spend}}
6. Legislation laws that require:
(a) all legislation introduced must be written by elected officials
(b) all bills must be read and submitted to public opinion before they can be voted on
(c) no exception clauses or immunities in any law
{{why? because corporate lawyers shouldn’t be writing laws}}
If I might offer some word smithing and / or editing and / or criticisms;
1a) Does not require an amendment, but an overturning of the original decree from the courts. But an amendment might be easier. This will be messy.
1b) Voting laws exist – need to be enforced. With prejudice. Judge Dredd style. (existing laws need more teeth and clarification that is not subject to the current party in control. This is the problem with voting being run by each individual state, but it can’t be changed now)
1c) Not within the authority of the Federal government. Needs to be done at the state level.
1d) We might actually see more of this now, we just need to keep pushing.
1e) Amendment to create an independent 4th estate – the news. Funded by the taxpayer, immune from advertising. Can’t be de-funded like NPR, it will be funded by 10% of the tax proceeds in any year, automatically, without congressional oversight beyond a requirement for truth. The BBC does pretty well (at far less than 10% I think)…
2a) The EPA already does this, but is far too subject to the whims of congress modifying the rules. The amendment should define acceptable pollution levels and have it enshrined as an amendment so that it can’t be modified by ‘lesser laws’.
2b) WAAAAyyy too subjective. A “good” eduction in Kansas means creationism. National education proficiency guidelines should be published, the states should implement at will without interfering. If the education in a particular state sucks, remove their accreditation so that the students have to go to in-state colleges. (The fed has usurped the power of the states to direct their education, and that’s wrong, expensive, and horribly problematic).
2c) Deal, but it’s not within the power of the federal government. The fed, can, however, regulate interstate commerce. And as such, they can require that any health insurance agency that crosses state lines be subject to the requirements of that type of commerce. Namely, they have to provide everything you’d get from a single payer system. The governors of every state can come up with a workable system.
3a) Provide subsidies only for research and development on the condition that the results of said research and development belong to the American people – public domain. Provide only small business subsidies for start up costs and some growth – no mega-corp subsidies (this is free market dogma that seems to be forgotten about by the GOP crowd… should be an easy sell. Wal Mart and GE don’t need subsidies to survive).
3b, etc) Absolutely.
4) All would be subject to interstate commerce clause above. Many birds with one stone, as it were.
5) Not sure what to think of this, as it’s vague, but I’m passionately for 5d. The US should not, under any circumstance, hire mercenary organizations for security of any kind. We already have a military, and it’s extremely well funded. Train our people that have volunteered to serve and are subject to the UCMJ. It’s the right thing to do.
6a) Wouldn’t solve the ‘written by corp’ problem, but it’s a start.
6b) Any bill ‘in the box’ must be published online in it’s final form for a period of no less than 6 weeks before being introduced for voting, with the exception of emergency legislation where lives are at imminent risk [Perl Harbor clause where we’re under attack, not patriot act clause where we might be attacked at any second…]
6d) No ‘riders’. Each bill must deal specifically with the issue at hand and cannot include unrelated inclusions.
6e) Any bill that clarifies or extends any other law must include 2 provisions of the original law and must replace the original 3 laws within 12 months. To cut down on the ridiculous number of laws we have that create loopholes for criminals and misconduct.
7) Rescinding all copyright and patent laws that modified the constitutional definition, intent, and time limits. You want innovation? This will cause an innovation explosion in everything from farming and biotechnology to pharmaceuticals and technology. We’ll be on Mars in 10 years and cure cancer in 15. Boob jobs as easy a your morning latte… a perfect world.
Snark aside, I’m intrigued.
Not as comprehensive a Jake’s response, but:
Eliminate all corporate taxes (no, wait! Hear me out.)
In exchange for which we adopt 1(a) above, eliminating the legal fiction of corporate personhood for any and all purposes. The burden for any corporate misconduct or legal liability will be with the board of directors collectively and severally. Corporations may not be able to go to jail, but board members can.
Jake, I offer a rebuttal:
1(a)- An amendment is the only way to go here. You’re talking about overturning +200 court cases won by corporate lawyers over the last +150 years. Even if that were accomplished what’s to guarantee it wouldn’t happen again?
1(b)- if you think that’s true, read this:
1(c)- It is if the Constitution were amended to ensure that right.
1(d)- I’ll be pushing with you
1(e)- Deal!
2(a)- Agreed
2(b)- You’re right. That’s exactly why I wanted some input.
2(c)- Again, it’s within the power if it’s amended to be. Do you really think the Governors of each State would work together like that?
3(a)- Again, deal! I like it.
4- I just don’t see things playing out like that, and I’m a dreamer.
5- Yes, it’s vague. It certainly needs work.
6(a)- See 1(a) for solution.
6(b-e)- YES!
7- Great idea! Yes, I want that.
And Charlie, are you suggesting that we should negotiate our government with a corporation? No way! If profit is made here, tax must be paid here.