- Hey, Senator DeMint – I challenge you to 3 rounds in any boxing gym of your choice – http://bit.ly/br8bUt – #utpol #
- RT @ethanmillard: @bobaagard Don’t bother @mikelee2010 w details, the Constitution is hanging by a thread! And socialism! And brown people! #
- RT @ErikDavis: every time someone says the words “Midnight Run 2” an angel loses its wings #
- I voted for @juliaallison – http://bit.ly/aJFmB8 #
- Acts of God happen when my team beats your team, not when BP drills a mile down and then blows up an oil rig. http://bit.ly/9TtZ5h #
- :'( – Al and Tipper Gore to double their carbon footprint after 40 years – http://bit.ly/cAJzio #
- Matheson sent an ironic franking card – END “too big to fail” – Isn’t TBTF his primary campaign slogan. http://bit.ly/bI1rzo #
- “Matheson has not been there for the workers,” Teamsters said. “We look forward to helping Claudia […] help the workers in Utah […].” #
- Wright gets local Teamsters endorsement – http://bit.ly/azsWv9 #
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