I’m guessing that this handful of TeaBaggers thinks that the story about Scott Matheson, Jr. was true – because they’re idiots.
From KSL –
Video Courtesy of KSL.com
SALT LAKE CITY — One of the Democrats who is against health care reform is Utah Representative Jim Matheson. Some of his constituents don’t want him to change his mind.
Protesters gathered with signs outside Matheson’s Salt Lake City office this afternoon with signed petitions saying they oppose President Obama’s reform bill.
“This is nothing to do with health care, this is all about socialism, socializing medicine, building a network or structure so that the government can take away our freedoms,” said protester Ralph Cook.
The group hopes to give Matheson 2,470 pages of petitions against the health care reform, the same number of pages the bill has.
I sure appreciate Ralph Cook and the others in expressing in peaceful protest their opposition to this health-scare bill which, among things, is unconstitutional in its provision for an individual mandate. The bill has been so wrought in corruption with the Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana purchase, union bribes…and now the “Slaughter Solution”: just deem a bill into law. Whether you label it Progressivism, Leftism, Socialism, or Communism isn’t important to me for it’s all leading to Totalitarianism and away from the limited powers of our Republic as set up by our Founding Fathers.
Government has no right in dictating my healthcare options.
Yeah – except the scenario you painted only exists in Fiction and Fox News.
Single payer? Affordable insurance for the poor and middle class.
No Pre-Existing Condition denials? Yeah, that’s so Nazi, Commie, Socialist.
Premium caps? Gasp!
Yes, the behavior on every side has been, at times, despicable, but beating the drum of Socialized Medicine – WHEN THAT’S NOT WHAT IS GOING ON – is just fkn stupid.
Chucklehead tea-baggers crying “Keep your government hands off my Medicare” is getting dumber and dumber sounding – to everyone but the Kool-Aid drinkers.
I think the whole Medicare thing should be left to the states as provided for in the 10th Amendment. Medicare is contributing to skyrocketing healthcare costs as it takes the focus off of competition: which very competition is liberals’ entire justification for the single-payer federal system. Imagine the competition for workers in a 50-state system versus a centralized, statist solution!
Besides, Medicare is beyond bankrupt and has overpromised. This proposed Obamacare bill will raise taxes on medical devices and Cadillac healthcare plans to pay for itself. Indeed, that the taxes are put on immediately while the benefits are postponed is another trick employed to get Americans to believe this would somehow “reduce the deficit.”
We need to come together as a country and start cutting bureaucracy, wasteful spending, czars and departments; then cut some more; and then really cut more. That’s what the teaparty patriots are about. Raising taxes as this bill does only incentivizes the incumbents to spend more.
Unfortunately, Obama has yet to show anything in the way of fiscal restraint and his pork-barrel spending for so-called stimulus, redistribution of my wealth through cash-for-clunkers, and perpetual debt-ceiling increases are deepening this recession–which if Bush were President would be in serious recovery by now.
Jim Matheson is not against health care reform. He simply was not satisfied with the bill that was submitted.
The first line of KSL”s story, “One of the Democrats who is against health care reform is Utah..,” was misleading.
You could make another great video, Jeff. We could really use an honest, forthright video to be utilized as a tool to better educate our friends and neighbors during the 2010 election cycle. It could be used in town hall meetings and on the web where a serious discussion on reform and solutions can evolve.