Ah! The danger of satire is that sometimes it can so encapsulate the truth of an issue so accurately that the target becomes unaware that they’re being teased. Take a look at the Colbert Report’s right-wing demo break down sometime.
So – enter HAARM. I got my link to their brilliant website from two places – First from Crooks and Liars – who get the joke – and Second from a right wing-nut member of my family who, I am sorry to say, thinks its a great group (he’s a doctor – and that scares the shit out of me, too).
The list of assholes that HAARM includes on the site include:
Glenn Beck is ushering in a new era of fear mongering and histrionics every weeknight on his self-titled Fox News show. We basically wrote our health care platform by copy-and-pasting from transcripts of his show. Glenn’s hobbies include hunting for socialists, building giant props for his show, and crying.
John Goodman is the President and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis, a think tank dedicated to defeating Obamacare, ending the Family Medical Leave Act, and destroying Social(ist) Security. He also runs a cyber organizing operation called a “blog” that tells us everything we need to know about Obamacare at research time. Which is all to say, when it comes to health policy, he’s the Dan to our Rosanne.
And many, many more …
Click to visit and check out HAARM.