It’s a shame that, as Sen. Buttars once again makes the national news, causing even deep Southern Baptists to blush, Jenny Wilson won’t be on the national stage for doing something in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.

From Councilwoman Wilson’s mom

Today, the Salt Lake County Council approved benefits for domestic partners of Salt Lake County employees. The plan will cover committed same-sex partners, and other long-term dependents of county employees. The change will cost taxpayers about $300,000.

Thank you to the sponsor, who kept pushing for three years in a row. Councilwoman Jenny Wilson never gave up. Wilson, by way of the usual disclosure, is my stepdaughter.  Bravo. The council approved Wilson’s plan 6-3, including the approval of Councilman Max Burdick, a newcomer who decided to let common sense trump impassioned arguments swirling around about the death of the traditional family.
On the same day the county passed Wilson’s measure, the Utah Legislature killed in committee two more bills related to gay rights. A bill allowing for gays and lesbians to foster and adopt children died a quick death, as did a proposal to outlaw employment and housing discrimination against gays and transgender people. Now I know why I’ll never leave Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City. It’s great to live on an island of growing tolerance toward all. I’m counting on change throughout the state, though. It’s going to happen. (Holly Mullen)
Way to go, Councilwoman. Set the example.