Oh, Sen. Buttars, you wild and crazy bigot. You’re all pissed that you were “taken out of context” with a 16 minute clip. Let me ask you a question, Senator … What did you say, either before or after the 16 minutes that would have changed the poison and the vitriol contained INSIDE the 16 minutes?
2 blocks. 2 lousy blocks separate me from your district, and, again today, the stench of your perverted brand of false-Christianity is leaking into the semi-rational right-wingnuttery to your North. In short, you ignorant oldster: you’re stinking up the neighborhood again.
Over at the Senate Site, Sen. Buttars tries to weasel his way out of this mess – in the weirdest way.
Sometime in January, I talked with Reed Cowan for over an hour. I felt it was a friendly interview and we covered a lot of ground.
Reed assured me that he would treat both sides of the issue fairly and that I would be treated fairly. He told me the interview would be public in about a year and I would be allowed to see his work and approve my part before he released it.
I took Reed at his word and am disappointed.
I’ve known Reed for a long time, Senator. Trying to paint him as the “media boogieman” isn’t going to play this time. You signed a release and you got an unedited chunk of play released. Unedited chunk of time. Every time one of you GOP members gets quoted saying something stupid, you scream “Out of Context” even when things are played in their entirety (think Chris Cannon blaming the teenage pages for Mark Foley’s perversions).
I believe traditional marriage is the foundation of our civilization and I’ll continue to support public policy that strengthens traditional marriage. I will also continue to oppose policy that undermines that foundation.
This final paragraph has absolutely nothing to do with anything you’ve said or done. Nothing. You are a bigot. You say bigot things in front of camera crews after you’ve signed away permission for them to use it. You scream of unfair treatment while you have a full helping of the rights of an American Citizen – all the while stealing, subverting and denying those rights to other, different Americans.
You’re a bigot. You’re an ass.