Never let it be said that the Utah GOP doesn’t have a sense of humor. Or irony. Or a massive disconnect from reality.

In a year where “Ethics Reform” is the catch phrase of the hob nob set on Utah’s Capitol Hill: Senate Republicans are set to give Chris Buttars back his old position as chairman of the Judicial Confirmation Committee.

Last year, during the election season, the GOP removed Buttars from the seat when it was released that he had used his position to attempt to intimidate a sitting judge who had ruled against a Buttars business buddy.

From the Tribune:

Sen. Chris Buttars, who lost his chairmanship of the committee that screens judicial nominees after writing a letter scolding a judge who ruled against the senator’s friend, will return to his old post.

“Yes, I am,” Buttars, R-West Jordan, said Friday, asked about being named chairman of the Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee. The change took effect after a confirmation hearing for two nominees on Thursday.

Nothing so far, that I can find, on what Democrats think of the whole SNAFU on the Hill.