Obama – Let’s do something good for America!
GOP Group 1 – HEY HEY HEY~! What’s with all this doing what Americans want done crap!?!
GOP Group 2 – HEY HEY HEY~! This doesn’t benefit the rich AT ALL! WTF?
GOP Group 3 – HEY HEY HEY~! Good policy is against my party platform!
Every new president makes an appeal for bipartisanship, and like much of what Obama says, it probably doesn’t mean much.
It’s ironic that Democrats have complained for years about “reckless government spending,” and yet they are in overwhelming support of billion-dollar-bailouts and stimulus plans; with much of the bailout money going to bank stashes and pad the pockets of CEO’s.
Of course the Democrats aren’t simply satisfied with an ill-conceived bailout of the financial sector. It’s time to start “spreading the wealth” and bailing out irresponsible state/local governments and revive their ailing social programs.
Is this a stimulus for the economy? No, it is appeasement mone. Much like Caesar opening the treasury to the plebs of Rome, Obama will ultimately gain much popularity by this move and of course, alienate those who would express their concerns over this unprecedented level of government spending.
This is not going to help “boost our economy.” Instead, this is going to boost the Democratic agenda. Thank you Democrats, we are forever in your debt (or that of China’s).
How come when Republicans dump billions and billions on corporate welfare, it’s a great thing, and when Democrats dump billions on actual people, it’s so dirty?
When your guy took over, we had a budget deficit and were headed toward a significant reduction in the national debt. Now, 8 years later, the economy is in the tank, every corporate sector that was spoiled rotten with government handouts and deregulation is failing, and …
… Let’s all blame the Democrats.
Pathetic, F.F.
You can’t trash your car and then blame the mechanic because the repair is expensive.