Pollution: 1. bad for everyone or 2. a myth perpetrated by goofy liberals who want sissy things like clean air, clean water and something other than subdivisions to pass onto our children?
Work with me here … according to the fundie nutjobs that talk to God three or four times a day (do you think God would spend anytime with these people? I think God would prefer the quiet, desperate prayers of those in need to the shouting, screaming, tantrums of the fundies who keep asking him to kill a lot of people that make them uncomfortable. I mean, God hasn’t committed a “blink of an eye genocide” in centuries; so, my guess is it was a short lived hobby that he eventually found distasteful… but I digress) God created everything just the way it is and there is no such thing as change, LET ALONE, evolution.
But what about DE-evolution?
From the enormous brain trust that is Io9:
Lake Washington, the largest lake in the Seattle area, has long been home to a soft-skinned fish called the threespine stickleback. But over the past fifty years, the lake’s population of sticklebacks has changed dramatically: today, most of the fish sport partial or full body armor, a throwback to their origins as saltwater fish covered in bony plates. (In the picture here, you can see an armored stickleback on top, with plates in red; a non-armored one is on the bottom.) What caused the rapid shift in the fish’s morphology? It sounds bizarre, but the mutation is the result of pollution being cleaned up in Lake Washington. A program started in the late 1960s to clear the lake of toxic sludge made the sticklebacks de-evolve.
So, clean up the pollution and stop all this Godless evolution? Boy, you Republicans are SO SCREWED since damage and danger from pollution and such is a farce. Being an ignorant dipshit must really suck. Too bad it isn’t painful.
Read the rest of the Io9 article HERE
Haha, love the argument!
$1million to the first person to invent the implant that makes stupidity painful. Seriously. I’ll fundraise.
This makes me proud to live in Washington. I’m not referring to the fact that extensive efforts have been made to de-pollute Lake Washington, but that our fish are spinier and more armored than yours!
Don’t be mad, though; if comparable efforts are made to clean up the Great Salt Lake, maybe one day you’ll be able to lay claim to Teenage Mutant Ninja Brine Shrimp!