Well, “where the hell have I been?” seems to be the question that is flooding my email box.
Busy, is the answer.
1. I’m helping, in some small way, to launch a very important Human Rights non-profit. The sheer tonnage of hours involved has excluded my spending the usual 10 – 15 minutes keeping things updated here. It’s more fatigue than anything else, really. Just too tired to get my indignant mojo rising. More on this tomorrow. Seriously, tomorrow.
2. Primary Fatigue – Ever since a certain campaign passed on yours truly for a determined, if wholly inexperienced and naive youngster, my total interest in the Primaries was academic at best. I have my favorite, sure, in spite of what I consider to be evidence of staffers making poor choices, but even that is not enough to keep me invigorated during this six week GAP between primaries. I want a National Primary. One day, late spring or early summer. More on this later, as well.
3. A local radio station has approached me and wants me to do a (small) radio show. Seriously! Bitchin’, no? I’ve also been working on these details, and, if I ever get it someplace where I can tell you something, I will. I really hope this works out. Sound off in the comments with ideas of what the show should be called.
So, anyway, for all of you who have written, I’m sorry for being away. I’ll do better in the future. It’s an election year, and, I promised to be here for you.
JM Bell
1. Yay! for you!
2. Me, too.
3. I hope it works out! You better podcast!
(tongue in cheek/not serious) ideas for your radio show names:
rock the bells
hells bells
griping with bells on
b.e.l.l. radio (bitchin’ everything loud & luciferous)
jm taco bell
bell sounds
schooled by the bell
JM Bellhop
BellRay-dio… ee, i, ee, i, oh…cue banjo.
Woop. I just bored myself.
Seriously. Congrats on whatever happens. You deserve great things.
Hey, uh. I was a guest on the Mayor’s TV show today. Will send link later.