The NewsHole:
Senator, their words, and your own, are now slowly killing the chances for any Democrat to become President.
In your tepid response to this Ferraro disaster, you may sincerely think you are disenthralling an enchanted media, and righting an unfair advance bestowed on Senator Obama.
You may think the matter has closed with Representative Ferraro’s bitter, almost threatening resignation.
But in fact, Senator, you are now campaigning, as if Barack Obama were the Democrat, and you… were the Republican.
Wow! Just……Wow!
Keith has left me without a smart ass comment, at least for the moment. He said it all, and rather forcefully too.
Hey, didn’t you know, if you were black you’d be a shoe in for president. Duh.
Though I am an Obama supporter, I am a Democrat first.
As my girlfriend (a former Clinton staffer I might add) pointed out, it clearly hurt Olbermann to say those words. I believe that they are words that, none the less, must be said.
I have watched Clinton’s campaign fall apart; the house of cards is tumbling down and has been since Iowa. This campaign seems to deal with stress about as well as your average mental patient… constantly denying, constantly blaming, constantly downplaying, constantly lying about its role.
Senator Clinton showed great potential, and for a period of time I wanted to support her… She is smart, she is educated, Christ, she is a Clinton. But she has failed to give me a message that makes me want to vote for her, let alone to make me HAVE to vote for her. Frankly, Obama has done that (for me) from early on.
These latest actions, along with many others, prove to me that she should not be the president of our country and that she should not be the nominee for our party.
P.S. Keith Olbermann can totally have his way with me!
In a totally heterosexual way of course…
Even if the entire Nation is against Bush. The Democrats are too stupid to work together and achieve their cowardice ways. For Jesus sake, tell the democrats to get someone qualified to run for president. Not these 2 idiots bashing each other. A woman & a Muslim. It cant get worse. McCain is a shoe-in. Thnk God!!!!!
Yes, it’s too bad everyone isn’t brave enough to post childish and uneducated comments “anonymously.”
Keith Olbermann is an idiot. Right after he made this comment, the whole Jeremiah Wright incident occurred. Who looks worse, DUDE, a woman — Geraldine Ferraro — who says the obvious or a black preacher who tells his congregation that the USA created AIDS to kill black people? You have to be a moron to support Obama. His health-care plan sucks compared to John Edwards’ (and Hillary’s). Universal means universal, DUDE! Get a brain, Olbermann.