Salt Lake Tribune blew it this morning –
Analysis: Despite Super Tuesday primaries flop, Mitt plans to trudge on
You can almost hear the hysterical weeping over at the Deseret Morning Republican Party Newsletter:
Romney isn’t giving up race despite Super Tuesday losses
Whereas MSNBC was a little closer
Romney to suspend White House bid
Now, I don’t want to lay the blame in the laps of great reporters like Tommy and Lisa. I have a feeling that being locked out and away from the Romney campaign and having only sneaky access to junior staffers had a lot to do with it.
I’m so sad about this. I mean, it’s so much FUN to make fun of Mitt!
I will miss the easy target too.
I am surprised as well at the headline missives today. I always envisioned a bright red phone on the wall of the Deseret Romney News newsroom clearly labeled “Mitt-Phone.”