I think Glen’s hit his stride.

I want to get that out of the way up front. While I’m still 50/50 on Rebbecca Walsh’s column, probably due to being a longtime Holly Mullen fan, I think that the trib’s decision to invent the Salt Lake Crawler and then give it to Glen Warchol, is absolutely brilliant.

Over the last few years I’ve had a problems with Glen, mostly his fluid sense of time and his saying rude things about me, to me, thinking I was someone else (TWICE), and even once mistaking me for a candidate (I’m obviously forgettable enough to bitch about but not to recognize. It’s ok, Glen, I blame Dan anyway).

In a few short days, however, the Salt Lake Crawler has become a multi-F5-daily must read for me. Credit where it’s due: Glen may not have the good taste to remember that I’m the only member of the Utah Democratic Party with a 4 inch tall red pompadour, but the guy can write.

Recent Highlights:

Becker’s Country Club Buddies

The Daily Herald is poison ingested through the eyes

How Cheap a date is you legislator?

Great job, Tribune. Great job, Glen.

“For my next trick. I will pull a conflict of interest out of Aaron Tilton’s ass!”

Um … one question: what the hell is with that picture? What is it that you are trying to say there?