There have been rumors on the World Wide Tubes about Maddow getting her own show on MSNBC and I’m excited about that. I hope they tie it to a block with Olberman. That would kick ass. She’s obviously one of the great brains working around the political field these days, funnier, wittier and able to grasp concepts that would make Chris Matthew’s head explode. I love listening to Rachael Maddow.

Seriously, Maddow, to me, has always been a brain with a voice. I have always loved her for her brain (and that she’s an intelligent smart-ass), but, lately, something different is going on. Maddow has always looked, to me, like Fred Savage’s little tomboy sister.


Anyway, amid these rumors of her own show, the plot to a silly, 80’s teen movie has been occurring … the uber-smarty, tomboy genius, has taken off her glasses and … hey there!


Fred Savage's Sister


How YOU Doin’?