…’Cause they linked me*. ME!
HERE it is:
Crooks and Liars – Brilliant Blog
*it’s in the middle and it’s about Star Trek and it doesn’t actually mention me by name or anything, which surprises me not at all, but it’s there, bitches.
…’Cause they linked me*. ME!
HERE it is:
Crooks and Liars – Brilliant Blog
*it’s in the middle and it’s about Star Trek and it doesn’t actually mention me by name or anything, which surprises me not at all, but it’s there, bitches.
I think you owe all of us who discovered you first a big Attaboy (and a beer).
I’m pretty sure I’m still at the “bragging a mountain out of a mole-hill” phase, here, but, I thank you for your adoration and near worship, none the less. 🙂
When will those “I (heart) JM Bell” T-shirts be available?
I’ll see if I can get them up tomorrow. LOL
Tom You know it’s true ’cause Sean Hannity said so, right?
Be wary of Crooks & Liars. Crooks & Liars is what’s known as a left gatekeeper blog; their job is to pretend to be leftist (earning their “credibility” with plenty of Bush-bashing) and then use that “credibility” to manage discourse, diverting discussion away from areas most harmful to the regime. They will take things right up to the edge but they know how much they can say and what they can’t say. On the most important issues they are obfuscators and distractors, discourse channelers, not genuine leftists. Just like Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MyDD, Democratic Underground, Moxie Grrrl, Educational Whisper, The American Prospect, Mother Jones, Salon, The Nation, Sadly No!, My Left Wing, etc. These kind of sites, though appearing to foam at the mouth with vitriol against the right wingers, are actually doing the regime a favor by limiting discussion on matters to keep it within parameters safe for the regime. If you don’t believe me, try posting something on for example Crooks & Liars that says: People in the reality-based community should have no problem whatsoever in realizing that the uppermost portion of a skyscraper is not going to be able to “fall” into and THROUGH the remaining vast majority of solid building as quickly, meaning as effortlessly as falling through air without something else (i.e. explosives) reducing said majority of building to such a state of offering no more resistance than air. Can we all agree on that? Sounds pretty straightforward; solid things offer vastly more resistance than air. Anyone who graduated elementary school SHOULD be able to grasp this, and SHOULD be able to therefore grasp that the Twin Towers and WTC # 7 building had to have been controlled demolitions. It is literally COMMON SENSE.
See what happens. I’ll tell you what happens: Anyone posting on Crooks & Liars who says anything that in any way questions the impossible official myth of 9/11 gets banned from commenting.
So just because a blog APPEARS to be leftist, don’t assume they are genuine. Finding out where they stand on 9/11 truth and election fraud will let you know if they’re for real or just part of the cover-up.