Ok, for those who may have missed this useless little flogging of Mark Towner: here is the blog post that started it all. Well, technically, Mark started it all, but, I’ll be damned if I’ll link to that asshat.
Special HUHA Award Winner: Mark Towner – Part of the Plan
And then, the chucklefest that followed:
Political Spyglass removed from blogroll – KVNU For The People
Mark Towner Threatens to Sue Me – Coolest Family Ever
Thank You, Mark “Nuke Em or I’ll Sue” Towner – The Side Track
Uggg. More Mark Towner. Letters in my MySpace mail. Knock it off, Mark. – JM Bell
And the older links:
Mark Towner is a Liar – CoolestFamilyEver
Doc Towner Thinks He Can Threaten Me? – Coolest Family Ever
Mark “Nuke Em” Towner – The Side Track
Mark “Nuke Em” Towner – UPDATED – Wasatch Watcher
Open Letter To Dr. Mark Towner – Part of the Plan
Oh no! There’s a make-believe pirate mad at me! C’mon Mark Towner, sack up. – JM Bell
Message to Mark Towner: Stop Harassing Me! – It’s BOB! Yay! And the world according to him!
Awww, c’mon! Poor Mark Towner! He can’t help it that he’s an idiot. We need some kind of blog welfare program for him.
I don’t know, funding Mark seems pretty counter intuitive to me.
Hey, you forgot this one:
There. Fixed it. Sorry about that, brother.
I feel left out. I have never been harrassed by Mark Towner. I’m not calling down the thunder, but I’m just saying.
He seems a tad unstable.
To Misty Fowler:
“Awww, c’mon! Poor Mark Towner! He can’t help it that he’s an idiot. We need some kind of blog welfare program for him.”
I’m sorry Misty, I have no idea who you are. Have we ever met? Does this make you feel better?
Mark Towner
Now Mark is complaining about free speech.
I was tempted to say he is pulling an Ann Coulter – Evidently Mark has free speech to say whatever he wants but if we use our free speech to refute him then we are trying to silence his free speech. Someone call the whaaambulance.
I’m frankly surprised Mark decided to “cut and run” with his “Nuke ‘Em” post. I really thought being an avowed republican, he would have “stayed the course” and not let the likes of a bunch of “flaming liberal jerks” affect the content of his blog. But then again, maybe he’s just a coward after all. Any word from Mark yet on why he pulled the post? Or are we just to assume he was getting sick of getting his ass handed to him over it?