I’m going to do more on this later but, right now, I am far to pissed. So, with that in mind, I will poach a bit from one of my favorite blogs, Part of the Plan, and his take on these candyass, chickenshit Republicans and their love for whips, chains and water boarding:
I can’t believe Romney and Giuliani both came out and endorsed the use of torture in the debate last night. Are they serious? Oh yeah, I forgot…neither one of them ever had the time or inclination to serve their country. They both had “other options” during their generation’s war. They were both too busy making their first millions while their fellow young Americans were fighting and dying in an unjust, unpopular war halfway around the world. [read more HERE]
I think that one of the more disgusting moments last night came when McCain talked about how, WHEN HE WAS TORTURED IN VIETNAM FOR YEARS, his captors didn’t get what they wanted and that he, an American service man, who was BEING TORTURED FOR YEARS, took some small comfort in the knowledge that we, the United States of America, didn’t torture our prisoners and the crowd make no a peep.
However, when Giuliani said torture was ok, there was a steady round of applause. When Romney offered that we should double up our torture efforts in Cuba, there was a sustained and hearty cheer. So, again, the GOP proves that
1) the voice of experience is a terribly annoying, especially if it’s first hand, and
2) “I support veterans” is just a happy platitude and not an honest reflection of the internal GOP dialog.
Let me make one thing perfectly f**king clear here: “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” is press release language for TORTURE, you draft dodging, cowardly, anti-American Republicans, so that the President and his sycophants don’t have to say the word torture. You, Romney, and you, Giuliani, are nothing more than an embarrassing stain upon the history of this country.
You said it better than me, JM.
I’m still waiting for the numbers to come out showing a spike upward in enlistments after Cheney’s commencement speech at BYU…something that would bump Utah from #47 to, say, #45.