So, at last night’s Salt Lake County Lincoln Club (a secret Utah based cabal dedicated to destroying the Justice League) something happened that made my jaw drop…
Salt Lake County District Attorney Lohra Miller was given the “Campaign of the Year” award.

I have to assume it’s because she took tens of thousands in illegal campaign contributions and was given a pardon by the Attorney General of Utah. Commit a crime and have your buddy take a pass? Seems GOP to me.

It’s funny, though, with those kind of chops, that she didn’t get Republican of the Year. Maybe she needs a recount. She’s in a great position to turn our AG into Katherine Harris, right?
Makes new Ogden Senator and Ogden City Police Chief Jon Greiner’s, flagrant and fancy-free violation of the Hatch Act seem pretty tame. I assume he got a “1st runner up” tiara?