Today’s Salt Lake Tribune reports state Republican lawmakers have selected a new target for their animus during this year’s legislative session; Salt Lake County. Angry County Mayor Peter Corroon and other county officials are unwilling to ignore the interests of the taxpayers they represent by quickly and perhaps carelessly approving a multi-million dollar loan to REAL Salt Lake, Republican leaders like House Speaker Greg Curtis have decided it may be time to take millions in restaurant and hotel taxes away from the county.

Speaker Curtis narrowly held onto his seat in the 2006 election, winning after a recount by only 20 votes. He attributes this close vote to his support for a soccer stadium that has yet to materialize, and figures he can widen the margin in 08 by putting millions of tax dollars that currently support senior centers and rec centers for his constituents into the hands of Sandy City and other communities around the valley instead.

Of course, Speaker Curtis ignores his roll in cutting dental benefits to the poor, his ill conceived trip to China at taxpayer expense just prior to the election, and a $15 million parking garage on Capitol Hill may have played in his near defeat at the hands of Democrat Jay Seegmiller. In other words, there are any of a number of reasons voters might have been tiring of Curtis’ representation of Legislative District 49. Adding to the list by jeopardizing county services his constituents appreciate may not be such a good idea.

According to the Tribune article, Mayor Corroon has made clear the impact losing this revenue would have on county services important to Curtis’ constituents. “We’ll be closing rec centers. All the arts organizations will have to look elsewhere for funding. And we’ll have to think twice about whether we can operate two conventions centers.”

If Speaker Curtis thinks he can find 20 more votes in 2008 after his constituents are informed he is responsible for cuts that may lead to reduction in services or closure of the nearby Sandy Senior Center, Draper Senior Center, or Dimple Dell Fitness and Recreation Center and Pools he has another thing coming.