Utah Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT) in the Deseret News on Former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL):

“It’s not a coincidence, it’s a cover-up,” said Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, of Foley’s involvement with the bill. Cannon knew Foley “quite well” but found the six-term Florida congressman “irritating,” particularly in some of his mannerisms. “You don’t need ‘gaydar’ to understand he has certain dispositions,” Cannon said.

Wow. So, if this is really how Mr. Cannon feels, how come he takes Mark Foley’s money? You heard me, he takes campaign donations from Mark Foley. Not even Senator Hatch, who seems to take money from ANYONE and ANYTHING hasn’t taken money from Foley (that I’ve found), and they’re pals.

So, put on your junior detective hats and hit those pesky FEC reports and when you find MARK FOLEY’S DIRTY MONEY, give Mr. Cannon’s office a call and ask him to donate it to the Children’s Justice Centers or just resign. You know, whichever.