Scratch special session

From the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Page Public Forum

Salt Lake Tribune

Now let me get this straight. We need to cut funding from the worst funded public education system in America so that the governor can buy a new Lexus and send his kids to private school – and I can take my wife out for a once-a-year trip to Starbucks?

Which part of ignorant do they take us for being? They say this is going to be “revenue neutral.” Nothing is revenue neutral when you’re already behind in funding.

I’m guessing they’re probably using the same guys Dubya uses to crunch his numbers. So, on behalf of those who want our children to graduate from high school and succeed in college, scratch the special session and leave education funding alone!

If they do feel compelled to have a special session, try this idea on for size. How about raising the Alternative Minimum Tax on businesses from the paltry $100 that it is now to $300? The move would only double the amount of revenue education currently gets from income tax and maybe we could afford to replace all those “revisionist history” books the elementary schools use to teach Utah history. You know, the ones that conveniently forget to mention anything about the years from 1960 to 1980.

Greg Schulz