While James Evans, Jeff Hartley and other Republican leaders are venting, Governor Huntsman appears to be the voice of reason on the Republican side when it comes to expressions of dissent in the Beehive State. Instead of joining the chorus of Republican leaders equating protest in the United States of America with giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, the Governor stood up for free speech. Regardless of our respective opinions regarding the invasion of Iraq or subsequent management of the war, the Governor apparently gets what America is really all about.

In yesterday’s Salt Lake Tribune the Governor stated with regard to a major demonstration scheduled for tomorrow “It’s an important and symbolic message that here in our state we can organize and speak out on both sides of the issue – and do so respectfully and safely.” With regard to Cindy Sheehan’s planned attendance at the event the Governor added “She lost her son in combat in Iraq – which is commendable. If we’re going to fight for [freedom of speech] internationally, it would behoove us to do it here.”

Thank you Governor Huntsman for standing up for free speech. We only wish more Republicans would do the same.